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My name is Corey.  I'm a 40 year old white male (yes surprise, huh?).  The reason I feel strongly about this is because I was raised by a single black mother since I was 5 years old.  My biological mother died of cancer when I was 5. She and my adopted mother were the best of friends so when she got diagnosed and upon her death my adopted mother swore to take me in and look after me. Basically raising me to the man I am now.  Even though her husband left her because she took in a white son, she never let it bother her (as I could see).  So we made due and continued as our own little family.  I guess you can say this web page is dedicated to her (she passed in December 2016) as well as all the wonderful black women out there making headway in the community and doing positive things.

So two of my very good friends (Donovan and Phillip) and I decided to start a page showing our affinity for black women.  It's kind of crazy because us 3 white guys date and hang out with more black women then our black men co-workers.  But as we like to say.  Hey, that leaves the dating pool for black women wide open for us.  You definitely won't hear us complaining.  If you are reading this you might have even run into us on an occasion or two.

So with this site we plan on giving a positive view other than the negative narrative that seems to be dominating media outlets about black women.

It's disgusting to say the least!!!!!!!!!!

Please take the time to read the letter my mother wrote to me on my 11th b day. She doesn't know but I've kept this letter since the day she gave it to me. Maybe you'll see where I get my affinity for my black woman.


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